Quality and safety always have the highest priority. The handling of pollutants and chemicals - partially in contaminated areas - imply a high accuracy and qualification of the operating personnel.
The operative quality management and training belong to the corporate philosophy of Delta Umwelt-Technik GmbH.
Some aspects of the operative and personnel qualifications are listed below.
Operative qualifications:
- accredited specialist under the German Federal Water Act “Wasserhaushaltsgesetz” (WHG)
- cooperation with the TÜV Berlin / Brandenburg regarding all aspects of explosion control and pressure tank control
- ATEX-certified for operation of thermic catalytic oxidation plants
- Licence for disposal of wastes under the German Waste Avoidance and Management Act
Personnel qualifications
Our service is provided by our team of engineers and technicians with specialisation in chemistry, economics, process engineering and electrical engineering.
Our specialised personnel have -amongst others- the following additional qualifications for special requirements:
- safety and health coordinator under the BGR 128 (ZH 1/183)
- certificate: technical responsive persons from specialised firms under §19 of the german federal water act
- certificate: plant safety under RL 94/9/EG – ATEX 100a
- certificate:expert for maintenance and inspection of small sewage treatment plants
- certificate: safe handling of industrial gas
- certificate: operation and handling of plants for ion exchange
- seminar: handling of indoor pollutions under §§2 Abs. 3 and 5 ASiG as well as §37 Abs. 6 BetrVG
- seminar: plants in explosive areas
- seminar: order processing for export business
- seminar: value analysis
- proved welder for metal and plastics
- radiation protection officer
- hazardous materials officer